My sweet friend, Carla Dixon, in Roxanne Padgett's stenciling class. Very fun.
We ended up covering books with the fabric we painted.
We then put a few signatures into and ended up with a completed journal.
A couple samples of Roxanne's stenciled fabrics.
My book is the lavender one (center).
It ended up completely different after I painted more on it. I'll post another photo of it as it turned out...
I set up a little work station in my room and ended up working at night
and in the early morning before the birds get up! :-)
The view out my window was so awesome.
A rainbow greeted me shortly after I arrived.
I could hear the waves too.
That's a submarine...
The front of Roxanne's book. I like the eye ball !
On day 2, I took Roxanne's faces class.
I haven't ever really ventured into faces -- too intimidating.
Now, I can't stop drawing faces and have done many of them painted on fabric
and machine stitched on them like crazy.
A really fun process.
Day 3 was with Ingrid Djinkers. I still haven't finished my book I started in her class. I enjoyed her and really liked her style, but I guess I don't know how I am going to use the book, so I guess that's why I'm not motivated to finish it...
It was so sad to hear that Journalfest will not be next year or maybe ever again... :-(
It's amazing how in the last two years my art and style has really grown.
I loved being in that beautiful place with so many talented wonderful women.
It's such a loving and sharing environment. Happy place.
Hopefully, I will be able to find something else that will help fill and inspire my creative heart.
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